What we’re all getting wrong about ADHD
Description We’ve all heard of ADHD, or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. But there’s actually a lot scientists don’t for sure…
Coping After Disaster
Following a disaster, most people will ultimately do well and return to their previous level of functioning. However, many people…
Study finds link between screen time and anxiety, depression in children
New research from the Faculty of Education has found a link between screen time and anxiety and depression in children…
Experts call for urgent mental health support for people living with long term autoimmune diseases
More than half of patients with auto-immune conditions experience mental health conditions such as depression or anxiety, yet the majority…
You Can Only Maintain So Many Close Friendships
The evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar explains the limits on how many connections humans can keep up, and the trade-offs involved…
How to Deal With Difficult People — Without Harming Your Mental Health
When it comes to dealing with difficult people, it can be tough to just “grin and bear it.” A really…
IoPPN to collaborate on new MRC funded project to investigate ADHD among women
The Medical Research Council (MRC) has awarded funding to co-investigators Professor Jonna Kuntsi and Professor Richard Dobson at the Institute…
Coping with Summer Holidays Anxiety
If you suffer from anxiety, the summer months and holidays may actually be specifically triggering for you. This has a…
You’ve heard of the winter blues but what about summer depression?
Have you heard of Summer Depression? When we hear of Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), we tend to associate it with…
Heavy Cannabis Use Linked to Schizophrenia, Especially among Young Men
The French psychiatrist Jacques-Joseph Moreau published a book called Hashish and Mental Illness in 1845, the same year that Scientific American brought out its…
10 slow living hobbies that lean into a calmer rhythm
Slow living hobbies, from sewing to gardening, come with real intention. "The slow living lifestyle fits well with hobbies that…
How to relax | 8 relaxation tips for your mental health
Find ways to relax If there's something that helps you relax, try to find time to fit it into your…