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New Poll: While Support for School Mental Health Training is Common, Nearly Half of Americans Don’t Believe Most School Staff Have Received It

WASHINGTON, D.C.— As children begin to return to school this month, a new poll from the American Psychiatric Association (APA) shows that 84% of Americans believe school staff play a crucial role in identifying signs of mental health issues in students, but less than half (45%) of Americans believe most school staff have been trained in identifying these concerns.

Americans are also widely supportive of education on mental health for students and school staff, with:

  • 89% saying it is important for students to be educated in school about mental health
  • 89% saying it is important for school staff to participate in mental health trainings

These results come from a poll commissioned by the APA and fielded by Morning Consult. The poll was fielded July 22, 2024, among a sample of 2,223 adults.

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